Saturday, September 26, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya

This year raya.. 2009 is my hometown Teluk Intan turn to celebrate Hari Raya..All my children very happy to meet their atok n opah intan...I manage to get release on Friday at least to spend 1 or 2 days fasting in my hometown...No place will ever change your feelings to your hometown..I am very proud that i was born in a least i am able to breath a pure clean and fresh air for at least 20 years .Rather than suffering from air polution causing respiratory distress in a city that i am facing least Shah Alam is not as bad as KL...
But surprisingly my hometown Teluk Intan now undergoing transformation..there is giant...Sushi King,old town white coffee and traffic congestion..Who will go to such place in Teluk Intan or maybe my hometown people are richer now that they can afford the city food..But if the same population during my old days that is low n medium income group is it necessary to bring all this modenisation ..or rather we should just be proud with our Mastan Ghani,Ghulam Rasul.
Dalam kerendahan hati ada ketinggian budi
Dalam kemiskinan harta ada kekayaan jiwa
Dalam kelembutan lidah ada keterlanjuran kata
Dalam gurau senda tenda ada khilaf dan dosa
mama luqman sekeluarga

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My daughter Merdeka Day

Today is the 3rd day and the last day for my daughter UPSR exam.This also mean starting tomorrow i will be working and stuck in traffic jam..HKL to Shah Alam..almost 1-2 hour every day...
Anyway for my daughter and her all her friends a big smile on their face ..most of them will say Merdeka Auntie,Merdeka...yes they are ...but UPSR is just a beginning of a long journey.For Person like me until this level ...exams already neutralised my heart more palpitation more incontinence..Possible next 2 years i will start my PhD or subspecialising in disabled children...but exams is still exams and to get flying colours there is only one study smart not hard.

mama luqman

Monday, September 7, 2009

Exam UPSR fever

While writing this page my daughter NurSyakeerah already in deep sleep as tomorrow is her UPSR day.This is my first experience with daughter facing such a big year will be Nur Nabilah turn..Despite my busy clinic my boss already promise to give me off for this 3 days as i have requested since Mei this year....I cant remember during my old Penilaian Darjah Lima days ,but i guess at that moment parents are not that excited as today...because most of my friend is in the same boat taking 3 days off to give moral support to their children.For sure tomorrow when i sent my daughter,it is not only full of children to sit for exam but the anxious parents .
But it is a great feeling...knowing your children already grown up and next year they will enter secondary school.It also reminds me on my age as i am no more young.
Yet as a mother to a special son,my special boy will always be the up most in my thought..what will be his this moment he is still dependent on someone for toileting and his speech is not develop...But i will never give up for my special son and i believe Allah will hear my doa's and maybe one day my special son will be able to sit for UPSR exam.Insyallah

mama luqman