Sunday, February 22, 2009

Denial stage in Depression

It has been a long time not writing in this blog.As this is my personal blog and no publicity except to my close friends and family members so it is not so important.Today my parents visited me together with my other siblings...I just wanted to share about the questions being ask to me sister claim her friends daughter had delay in speech ,age 5 and no diagnosis being made...I have similar feelings like this before, to accept that you have disabled children in the family is not easy..i use to remember my father say he cried almost every night knowing my" kak Yang "unable to walk anymore...and i still remember the old days my father will bring my sister for treatment either modern medicine or alternative....Accepting something bad is usually difficult especially it is most likely life long but someone must have a strength to face reality of life or not they will ended up to depression.....grief are common to everybody but the acceptence in every individual is so start with denial that is unable to accept followed by anger why me? why us then acceptance but the duration of each phase varies ...Alhamdulillah the grief phase in my life are not soo long maybe because i deal with most of the disabled patient . i accept what Allah has given me as i belief there must be hikmah in everything my aim now is the future of my son to make him functional as possible so he will be independent without burdening anybody,may ALLAH help me and be with me to face this journey insyaALLAH.....
Belief in AlQuran Surah Al Insyirah_selepas kesusahan datang kesenangan

Friday, February 6, 2009

Writing in autism

How To Teach Writing To A Child Suffering From Autism
A child with autism is often described as being confined in his or her own world. This is because the child has limited ability to interact with other people. A part of the autistic spectrum is the inability to properly grasp the concept of language. Teaching writing to a child with autism can prove very valuable to both the teacher and the student. In the side of the student there are a variety of advantages that he or she can gain from the ability to write.
You give the child the precious ability of interacting when teaching writing to a child with autism. This is a better way because face to face verbal interaction is just too intimidating for autistic children making them often unable to communicate with other people. However, writing allows them to express their feelings on a much more impersonal level.
Now-a-days, as you may have seen computers are being used to enhance the communication skills of autistic children. Teaching writing to a child with autism would help him or her with the knowledge necessary to improve his or her communication skills. One reason is that teaching writing to a child with autism helps him or her initiate the interaction.
Teaching writing to a child with autism does not only help him or her in developing communication skills. It also helps them to develop hand-eye coordination and grace in movement. Many people react with disbelief when informed of this fact. However, when you study the history of specific cultures you will see the meaning behind this.
Miyamoto Musashi, also known in Japan as the sword saint, developed his swordsmanship through calligraphy. In fact, when you study Chinese martial arts history, you will find that many warriors took up calligraphy in order to improve their skill. And what do you think calligraphy is? It is learning how to write beautifully.
Let’s now go to the side of the teacher. What advantages can teaching writing to a child with autism possibly give to the teacher?
Well, there is always self fulfillment. Abraham Maslow places the need for self actualization as the highest need that a man can fulfill. This means that the quest for self fulfillment is the noblest quest known to man. In teaching writing to a child with autism, people find self fulfillment because they learn how to take pride in the achievements of the student.
They realize just how much impact teaching writing to a child with autism has. They learn the value of their help and just how much progress they have made with the child. They also learn how to appreciate their own abilities.
Because of the development of technology, many people forget the value of being able to write. They reason out that they do not really need the skill since they can send any message using the keyboard. The skill of writing is especially declining today because people can choose to send messages using video or audio messages. Teaching writing to a child with autism lets them rediscover the value of being able to write.
As you may have seen, there are a lot of advantages to be gained from teaching writing to a child with autism. Just by doing this small task of helping another human being, you give and you gain so much. And that, my friend, is that.

Things To Remenber While Teaching Child With Autism
Teaching a child with autism is a challenge for most people, especially for parents who have not yet accepted the condition of their child or have not been informed on the things that need to be done in order to ensure the good education of their special child…
Autism is a mental disability that attacks the ability of the child to move, communicate, think, and feel normally. Knowing these would enable parents as well as other people involved in teaching the child with the right guidelines on the proper way on how to educate autistic child.
Here are the factors to consider when teaching a child with autism:
Instructional Formats or Curriculum – There is no single and general effect of autism. Different children suffering from the same disorder happen to have different conditions. Each requires a special instructional format or curriculum to be applied. Thus, the way of teaching is not based on autism itself but the effects it has brought to the child.
However, there are general instructional formats or curricula that can be given to every autistic child. The difference is only on the approach of teaching.
Communication concerns – The way instructions are given to children with autism should not be the same with the normal students. Since autistic children have difficulties on understanding things verbally and could not communicate well verbally, instructions should be given in a different way. The classroom should then be equipped with things that would enable children to learn even without verbal instructions. Visual activities are better ways to communicate with special children. Instructions and rules, outside the curriculum that need to learn and understand should be given in the way the children could understand most. The main point is to communicate properly and effectively.
Age – Autistic children may have the same physical age may have different mental age. Knowing the mental age of the child is would provide easier learning process for both the child and the teacher or parents.
For young autistic children, parents must apply the early intervention program that would enable the child to be guided correctly in terms of discipline, motor skills, and communication. This must be done as soon as you discovered that your child is suffering from autism.
Meanwhile, instruction for elementary students may include ways on how to integrate with other people or making friends. In other words, autistic children should be trained to be sociable in this period of learning.Autistic children in their high school years must learn how to integrate not only with other people but also with the whole community. How to work, live, participle and recreate with other people is very important to learn in this stage.
Behavioral factors – Autistic children need to be guided with how they behave to themselves and to other people. This is because they are especially passive or have developed destructive or excessive behaviors. If before, the approach to change this behavior is by punishment, today, the approach given is by positive behavior support or the PBS. This approach treats the children with dignity and respect that would not only improve their self-worth but also improve their behavior dramatically without using cruelty. Special children need affection and care. This approach can answer these needs.


we are Malaysian

Today i was shocked with the political situation in Perak.I love my hometown and very proud of Perak.The Sultan for me is the most educated amongst the other state.I am sad how can a malay man,muslim man and leader (ex MB) can derhaka to the leader .I remember my old days memorising the "rukunegara " till now it seems to be burried deep in my soul..kepercayan kepada Tuhan,KESETIAAN KEPADA RAJA DAN NEGARA ....In fact if you look at the education for disabled son also dance each time negaraku and stand straight as possible during rukunegara.......what happen to our nationality ..arent we proud to be muslim and malay and have Sultan ...sad ,sad ,sad...something need to be done to make us realised that Malaysian is a muslim and Malays is the majority ..Sultan as pemerintah harus ditaati...We should be proud as Malaysian.

mama luqman